Help (Chatbox)

At Advertall, we are dedicated to providing exceptional support to our users. To ensure you have access to the help you need, we offer a convenient chat support feature through email. If you have questions, encounter issues, or need assistance with your account, our support team is ready to assist you via email.

How Chat Support Through Email Works

  1. Send an Email:
  • Open your preferred email client.
  • Compose a new email and address it to our support team at [email protected].
  • In the subject line, include a brief description of your issue or question (e.g., “Billing Issue,” “Ad Management Help,” “Technical Support”).
  1. Provide Detailed Information:
  • In the body of the email, provide a detailed description of your issue or question.
  • Include any relevant details, such as your account information, specific error messages, screenshots, or steps to reproduce the issue.
  1. Submit Your Request:
  • Once you have provided all the necessary details, send the email to our support team.
  • You will receive an automated confirmation that your request has been received.
  1. Receive a Response:
  • A support team member will review your email and respond promptly with assistance.
  • You can expect a detailed response addressing your issue or question, along with any necessary steps to resolve it.

Common Issues Addressed by Chat Support

  • Account Setup and Login: Assistance with creating an account, logging in, and managing account settings.
  • Ad Management: Help with creating, editing, and optimizing your ads to ensure they perform well.
  • Billing and Payments: Guidance on billing issues, payment methods, and understanding charges.
  • Technical Support: Troubleshooting technical problems, such as website functionality and Ad performance issues.
  • General Inquiries: Answering questions about Advertall’s features, policies, and best practices.

We are here to make your experience with Advertall seamless and enjoyable. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email whenever you need assistance.